Sporting Schools
Sporting Schools is a $200 million Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children's participation in sport, and to connect them with community sporting opportunities.
Volleyball is offered in a modified form for Primary School ages as well as Year 7 in secondary school. South Coast Volleyball is registered as a Sporting Schools Provider and is qualified to deliver Volleyball programs under the direction and management or Volleyball NSW. The Sporting Schools Volleyball programs are the perfect entry point for kids to be introduced to Volleyball and are a key part of South Coast Volleyball's strategy for developing the sport in our region.
For more information, click through on the images below and please contact Volleyball NSW Participation Coordinator, Grace Tam
Are you a TEACHER at a South Coast Primary or Secondary SCHOOL?
Your school can apply for a Sporting Schools Grant to run a Volleyball Spikezone Program. Volleyball NSW and South Coast Volleyball will tailor-make the Program to suit your school’s facilities, time and budget.
Click on the orange logo for the “How To” Guide.
Are you a PARENT of a South Coast Primary or Year 7 Secondary School student?
Some schools are unaware they can apply for a Volleyball Spikezone Program Grant through Sporting Schools. You can ask your school to register today. What better way to get students active.
Click on the blue logo to learn more.
Are you a Volleyball COACH living on the South Coast?
South Coast Volleyball in conjunction with Volleyball NSW provides training, guidance and equipment for those South Coast coaches wanting to become a Sporting Schools Volleyball Coach.
Click on the green logo to send an expression of interest to Volleyball NSW or gain further information.